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Gentei Jyunmai Daiginjo / 日本花之舞限定純米大吟釀清酒
A nice sake perfect for casual party with family and friends. Serve chilled.
An excellent choice to make your party even more perfect.
酒評: 這款是「花の舞」系列中最高級純米大吟醸,米香和味道濃烈而持久,適合冷飲。
Detailed Information
Origin: Japan
Product category: Sake
Alcohol concentration: 15.5%
Capacity: 720 ml
Brewery: Hananomai
Order Info
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis. Please order 1-2 weeks in advance.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/important-notes-terms-and-condition
Warning: Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
Tamanohikari Junmai Ginjo Tama (Wine Yeast) / 玉乃光純米吟釀 (萄葡酒酵母)
A fine sake from Japan with an excellent balance of sweetness and acidity. Perfect for enjoying with western dishes and casual party with family and friends. Serve chilled.
An excellent choice to make your party even more perfect.
產地: 京都府
清酒等級: 純米吟釀
原料米: 雄町米
酒精度: 12-13%
精米步合: 60%
酒評: 以雄町米加上葡萄酒酵母釀造, 甜味及酸味有良好的平衡,適合配搭 西式菜餚,建議凍飲。
Detailed Information
Origin: Japan
Product category: Sake
Alcohol concentration: 12-13%
Capacity: 720 ml
Brewery: Tamanohikari
Order Info
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis. Please order 1-2 weeks in advance.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/important-notes-terms-and-condition
Warning: Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
Umenoyado Frutas Mango / 梅乃宿芒果酒
A very fruity mango wine from Japan, using Indian Alphonso mangoes, which are known as the Mango King. Very rich mango pulp and juice, remember to shake the bottle a little before pouring out.
Fruity, sour and sweet, highly refreshing. Perfect for casual party with family and friends. Simply add ice cubes or cool soda water to enjoy.
An excellent choice to make your party even more perfect.
產地: 奈良県
酒精度: 5%
酒評: 濃郁鮮香甜美,帶 著金黃色果肉的印度芒果,有著芒果之王的稱呼。嚴選優質印度芒果,濃厚的芒果甜味,配上日本清酒的酒香,爽快口感;開瓶即可聞到芒果的鮮 香。芒果酒內有果肉,飲用時,請搖一搖。
Detailed Information
Origin: Japan
Product category: Mango Sake
Alcohol concentration: 5%
Capacity: 720 ml
Brewery: Umenoyado
Introduction of brewing
Umenoyado was born in 1893 at the bottom of Katsuragi mountain and have been brewing sake for over 120 years.
Order Info
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis. Please order 1-2 weeks in advance.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/important-notes-terms-and-condition
Warning: Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
Tamanohikari Yuzu Shu / 玉乃光柚子酒
Yuzhshu brewed by the famous Tamanohikari sake brewery of Japan.
Fruity, sour and sweet, highly refreshing. Perfect for casual party with family and friends. Simply add ice cubes or cool soda water to enjoy.
An excellent choice to make your party even more perfect.
產地: 京都府
酒精度: 10.5%
酒評: 始創於1673年的 「玉乃光」酒造以蒸餾酒作基酒釀造 出獨特的柚子清酒。酒香溫和,口感 清新,色澤清亮透明。在炎熱的季節 混合梳打水後更能享受到清爽的感 覺。
Detailed Information
Origin: Japan
Product category: Yuzu Shu
Alcohol concentration: 10.5%
Capacity: 720 ml
Brewery: Tamanohikari
Introduction of brewing
Tamanohikari Brewery has been brewing sake for over 340 years.
Order Info
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis. Please order 1-2 weeks in advance.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
Warning: Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
A combination of Japanese liqueur made with Peach and Plum. Comes with the very fruity taste of sweet and sour. Very refreshing.
Specially selected to pair with our cakes. An excellent choice to make your party even more perfect.
Detailed Information
Origin: Japan
Product category: Liqueur
Ingredients: Peach Juice, Umeshu, Honkaku Shochu, Honey, Sugar, Acidity, Spice
Alcohol concentration: 8%
Capacity: 500 ml
Brewery: Shinozaki Brewery
Blended with carefully selected ripe peach juice from Japan and Umeshu, Rich body with fresh peach and Plum flavours, Well balance and very good with any desserts.
Introduction of brewing
Shinozaki Brewery is known throughout Japan for its high-quality and delicious sweet liquor. However, during the severe Kyushu disaster in 2017, the entire brewery suffered a devastating blow. All wine-making tools were destroyed by floods and mudslides. As soon as possible, the delicious sweet wine that is waiting in Japan is restored. All local people and the media have come to help the reconstruction of the brewing. The reconstruction was completed in less than a year, and they continue to adhere to the rigorous fine winemaking technology to produce amazing wine and liqueur.
Order Info
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis. Please order 1-2 weeks in advance.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/important-notes-terms-and-condition
Warning: Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
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