Cookie Bouquet


【Cookie Bouquet】

Send a sweet surprise to your friends and family with our Cookie Bouquet! Our handcrafted cookies are sure to delight – perfect for any occasion or simply to brighten someone's day.

Each set is packed with 7pcs of our self-baked less sweet cookie (including 1pc cookie with lovely graphics) in lovable designs.  Very cute bouquet packing.

Please note that as the cookies are hand made, it is very likely that the colour and look of the cake vary slightly from the reference photo.  The product photo in this online store is for reference only.

Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis. Please order 1-2 weeks in advance. 

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Phoenix Sweets Starry Universe Cake for Birthday Wedding Celebration Party Hong Kong
Phoenix Sweets Starry Universe Cake for Birthday Wedding Celebration Party Hong Kong

From $2,280.00

Earl Grey
Earl Grey
(layered with rose butter cream and rose petals)
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
(layered with rose butter cream and rose petals)
Earl Grey (layered with rose butter cream and rose petals)
(layered with chocolate butter cream)
Chocolate (layered with chocolate butter cream)
(layered with mixed berries butter cream and mixed berries jam)
Vanilla (layered with mixed berries butter cream and mixed berries jam)
(layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
Lemon (layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
Rainbow Vanilla
Rainbow Vanilla
(colourful cake layers layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
Rainbow Vanilla (colourful cake layers layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
Jellycat Soft Toy - Amuseable Pineapple (25cm tall)
Jellycat Soft Toy - Amuseable Pineapple (25cm tall)

Cake Flavours

  • Earl Grey

    Indulge in our delightful Earl Grey cake at Phoenix Sweets, where classic elegance meets modern flavor. Infused with the fragrant notes of premium Earl Grey tea and layered with velvety rose-flavored buttercream made from exquisite rose paste imported from Japan, this cake offers a sophisticated twist on a beloved favorite. Perfect for tea lovers and those seeking a unique dessert experience!

  • Chocolate

  • Vanilla

  • Lemon

  • Rainbow Vanilla