410 項商品
410 項商品
從 $880.00 起
單價 每Rainbow Ring
指定款式的牛油忌廉(Butter Cream)蛋糕,一般都可以選擇6"或8"直徑 :
- 6"直徑約重3磅,預算可以分8件大份或20件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
- 8"直徑約重4-5磅,預算可以分10-12件大份或35-40件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
一般資料如取餅或送貨安排及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweeets.com/pages/faq
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part I: 蛋糕幾錢一磅?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-I |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part II: 蛋糕最遲幾時訂?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-ii |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part III: 蛋糕可以少甜或用代糖嗎?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-iii |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part IV: 有現貨蛋糕嗎?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-iv |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part V: 不是海綿蛋糕】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-v |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part VI: 鮮花結婚蛋糕】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-vi |
Region: Italy
This piccolo sized (200mL) Gold Prosecco DOC from Bottega comes beautifully presented in a gold bottle, and is a bright straw yellow hue, with a fine and persistent bead. The bouquet is typical and refined with fruity (green apples, pear, citrus fruits) and floral (white flowers, acacia, wisteria and lily of the valley), with hints of sage and spices to finish. This prosecco is soft, harmonious and elegant, with a slim body and with lively yet balanced acidity.
Alcohol: 11%
Recommended serving temperature:
Cooled between 6 and 8°C.
Order Info
Order is subject to availability.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
Warning: Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
TYPE: Fortified
COLOUR: Port Blend White
REGION: White Port
A crisp, contemporary take on white port that, from its presentation to its aromatic flavour, is aimed squarely at the gin drinker.
GRAPE VARIETIES: Muscatel, Malvasia Fina
Region: Champagne, France
Grape Variety: Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay
Champagne of this quality is amazing. Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut is vibrant with crisp green apple and citrus flavours on the palate. A perfect balance between the acidity and the delicate bubbles, giving it an amazing length.
Alcohol: 12%
Recommended serving temperature:
Cooled between 6 and 8°C.
Order Info
Order is subject to availability.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
Warning: Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
South Australia
Rating and reviews
Order Info
Order is subject to availability.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
Warning: Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
單價 每主題杯子蛋糕(Cupcake)套裝 - Little Cars
一般資料及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
如訂單急趕(五天內),請在中午12時至晚上7時致電門巿查詢: 3686 0915。
典雅健康的曲奇花果茶小禮盒,獨立包裝,讓你可以送給重要的人表達心意。每盒包括兩塊獨立包裝的自家烘焙曲奇(隨機提供以下口味: 紫薯/綠茶/伯爵茶/朱古力/芝麻/原味)以及兩包Phoenix Sweets製作的花果茶。
最少訂購6盒/$300 (即每盒$50)。
- 好味無添加的曲奇,是我們自家廚房的出品
- 100%天然,沒有人造色素、調味或防腐劑
特選在台灣種植及烘乾的優質果乾,不含殘餘農藥(經SGS認證),沒有加入防腐劑。我們選用由法國進口的Comptoir Français du Thé® 茶葉。花果茶包在Phoenix Sweets自家的工作室加工包裝,香港製造。
鳳梨.和茗 - 台灣出產鳳梨花、法國花茶(綠茶、矢車菊花、玫瑰花瓣、金盏菊)
香橙.和茗 - 台灣出產香橙乾、 法國花茶(綠茶、矢車菊花、玫瑰花瓣、金盏菊)
山楂.雜錦水果茶 - 台灣出產山楂片、蘋果乾及香橙乾(不含咖啡因)
紅龍果.雜錦水果茶 - 台灣出產紅火龍果乾、蘋果乾及香橙乾(不含咖啡因)
洛神花.雜錦水果茶 - 台灣出產洛神花乾、蘋果乾及香橙乾(不含咖啡因)
一般資料及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
散水餅簡介請參閱: https://zh.shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/phoenix-sweets-goodbye-gift-service
從 $1,920.00 起
單價 每主題派對組合 - Happy Monster 蛋糕加杯子蛋糕塔
開一個Happy Monster 的主題派對!
- 一個Happy Monster蛋糕
- 18件Happy Monster杯子蛋糕,配上租借一個透明膠塔,你可以砌出一個Unicorn主題Cupcake Tower,你需要另外支付$500 餅架的可退回按金。
餅架需要在兩天內歸還至中環門巿或荔枝角工作室,按金將會在餅架兩天內完好歸還後退回。 留意如果遲還餅架,按金將會每天扣除$50。
英文名及"Happy Birthday"可以加上一塊小糖牌,讓你放在蛋糕上,總共不超過20個英文字母。
蛋糕外層的Butter Cream是雲尼拿口味,內裏的蛋糕口味可以選:
- 伯爵茶蛋糕,配玫瑰牛油忌廉及玫瑰花瓣夾心 / Earl Grey (layered with rose butter cream)
- 雲尼拿蛋糕,配雜莓牛油忌廉及雜莓果醬夾心 / Vanilla (layered with mixed berries butter cream)
- 檸檬蛋糕,配熱情果牛油忌廉及檸檬醬夾心 / Honey Yuzu (layered with passion fruit butter cream)
- 朱古力蛋糕,配朱古力牛油忌廉及Valrhona朱古力脆脆夾心 / Chocolate (layered with chocolate butter cream)
- 彩虹雲尼拿蛋糕,配熱情果牛油忌廉及檸檬醬夾心(+$200) / Rainbow Vanilla (colourful cake layers layered with passion fruit butter cream and lemon curd)
這個款式的牛油忌廉蛋糕,可以選擇6"或f8"直徑 :
- 6"直徑約重3磅,預算可以分8件大份或20件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
- 8"直徑約重4-5磅,預算可以分10-12件大份或35-40件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
一般資料如取餅或送貨安排及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
從 $540.00 起
單價 每主題杯子蛋糕(Cupcake)套裝 - Happy Monster
一般資料及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faqs
如訂單急趕(五天內),請在中午12時至晚上7時致電門巿查詢: 3686 0915。
單價 每主題杯子蛋糕(Cupcake)套裝 - Butter Cream Flower
我們用上精細巧妙的忌廉唧花技巧,造出這套與別不同的典雅設計,很適合作女生生日及Bridal Shower慶祝。可以最少一套12件訂購,價錢是$580。
英文名及祝福語(例如"Happy Birthday",只可以寫上英文字母)可以加上小糖牌再放在其中一件Cupcake上,每個小糖牌上可寫上總共不超過20個英文字母。
一般資料及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweeets.com/pages/faq
請提前一至兩星期訂購,如訂單急趕(五天內),請在中午12時至晚上7時致電門巿查詢: 3686 0915。
從 $1,880.00 起
單價 每雲尼拿牛油蛋糕配雲尼拿牛油忌廉,內裏充滿著繽粉的Confetti彩色。
- 4"直徑約重1磅,預算可以分4-8件(每件約1"x1"x2")
- 6"直徑約重3磅,預算可以分8件大份或20件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
- 8"直徑約重8-10磅,預算可以分10-12件大份或35-40件較小的派對份量(每件約1"x1"x2")
一般資料如取餅或送貨安排及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweeets.com/pages/faq
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part I: 蛋糕幾錢一磅?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-I |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part II: 蛋糕最遲幾時訂?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-ii |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part III: 蛋糕可以少甜或用代糖嗎?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-iii |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part IV: 有現貨蛋糕嗎?】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-iv |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part V: 不是海綿蛋糕】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-v |
【Phoenix Sweets - 訂蛋糕常見問題Part VI: 鮮花結婚蛋糕】 | https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/blogs/hong-kong-wedding-cake/phoenix-sweets-FAQ-vi |
Jellycat Soft Toy - Bashful Pink Bunny Star Musical Pull (28cm tall)
Jellycat Soft Toy (www.jellycat.com)
Established in London in 1999 and launching many new soft toy designs every January and July, there is always something original and quirky yet incredibly soft and sumptuous to find at a Jellycat jamboree! Irresistibly cuddly, sophisticatedly silly, hilariously humorous, a perfect gift for all ages!
This beautiful gift plays “The Waltz of the Flowers” to lull and calm any naptime grumbles, while our pink bunny pull is as soft as starlight, and just the right size for tiny hands. Fix it straight onto a cot or buggy for a very happy little one.
No batteries needed - let the music play!
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
Safety and CareTested to and passes the European Safety Standard for toys: EN71 parts 1, 2 & 3, for all ages. Suitable from birth. Hand wash only; do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron. Not recommended to clean in a washing machine. Check all labels upon arrival of purchase.
Jellycat Soft Toy - Bashful Blue Bunny Star Musical Pull (28cm tall)
Jellycat Soft Toy (www.jellycat.com)
Established in London in 1999 and launching many new soft toy designs every January and July, there is always something original and quirky yet incredibly soft and sumptuous to find at a Jellycat jamboree! Irresistibly cuddly, sophisticatedly silly, hilariously humorous, a perfect gift for all ages!
With a Bashful-soft star and a blue bunny pull, which retracts whilst it gently chimes “Alle Voegel Sind Da”. Little ones can reach for the stars and drift away to this light, happy song.
No batteries needed - let the music play!
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
Safety and CareTested to and passes the European Safety Standard for toys: EN71 parts 1, 2 & 3, for all ages. Suitable from birth. Hand wash only; do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron. Not recommended to clean in a washing machine. Check all labels upon arrival of purchase.
單價 每Jellycat Soft Toy - Little Unicorn (18cm tall)
Jellycat Soft Toy (www.jellycat.com)
Established in London in 1999 and launching many new soft toy designs every January and July, there is always something original and quirky yet incredibly soft and sumptuous to find at a Jellycat jamboree! Irresistibly cuddly, sophisticatedly silly, hilariously humorous, a perfect gift for all ages!
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
Safety and CareTested to and passes the European Safety Standard for toys: EN71 parts 1, 2 & 3, for all ages. Suitable from birth. Hand wash only; do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron. Not recommended to clean in a washing machine. Check all labels upon arrival of purchase.
單價 每Jellycat Soft Toy - Little Panda (18cm tall)
Jellycat Soft Toy (www.jellycat.com)
Established in London in 1999 and launching many new soft toy designs every January and July, there is always something original and quirky yet incredibly soft and sumptuous to find at a Jellycat jamboree! Irresistibly cuddly, sophisticatedly silly, hilariously humorous, a perfect gift for all ages!
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
Safety and CareTested to and passes the European Safety Standard for toys: EN71 parts 1, 2 & 3, for all ages. Suitable from birth. Hand wash only; do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron. Not recommended to clean in a washing machine. Check all labels upon arrival of purchase.
Jellycat Soft Toy - Bashful Unicorn Small (18cm tall)
Jellycat Soft Toy (www.jellycat.com)
Established in London in 1999 and launching many new soft toy designs every January and July, there is always something original and quirky yet incredibly soft and sumptuous to find at a Jellycat jamboree! Irresistibly cuddly, sophisticatedly silly, hilariously humorous, a perfect gift for all ages!
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
Safety and CareTested to and passes the European Safety Standard for toys: EN71 parts 1, 2 & 3, for all ages. Suitable from birth. Hand wash only; do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron. Not recommended to clean in a washing machine. Check all labels upon arrival of purchase.
Jellycat Soft Toy - Blossom Silver Bunny Small (18cm tall)
Jellycat Soft Toy (www.jellycat.com)
Established in London in 1999 and launching many new soft toy designs every January and July, there is always something original and quirky yet incredibly soft and sumptuous to find at a Jellycat jamboree! Irresistibly cuddly, sophisticatedly silly, hilariously humorous, a perfect gift for all ages!
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis.
For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq